Tuesday, 13 November 2012

best tips To Make Your Blog Visitors Stay Longer[How to]

best tips To Make Your Blog Visitors Stay Longer[How to] There is a big question for every blogger that how much time visitor stay on their blog or site.Here i am saying about bounce rate(discuss later).Many bloggers having much visitor but they can not stay them for a longer time.To impress the visitor Ist you have to select best blog topic which attracts the people.It also helps to earn.Simply getting traffic in the form of thousands of unique visitors daily is meaningless if the time they spend on your site is less than a few seconds or your bounce rate is more than 95%.for checking the bounce rate you can go for google analytic which also tell you about real stats of your blog or site.Below are some tips which will help you to keep the attention of your visitor

Therefore plastering your affiliate banners and links all over your pages can work against you if your visitors leave your site immediately from the page they entered from.Try to entice your visitors to read more by offering them some relevant links to another internal page or post where you provide a useful review and which ultimately contains your affiliate banner. This way you are not pushing people straight out of the same door they entered.People most often buy from emotion whether they admit it or not. This is because the actions which emanate from emotion are quite often subconscious.Hence, an emotional response is much more likely to achieve a call to action than a logical one.For instance if you are trying to convince someone to buy your product by using logic, then the chances are that they will also look at your argument from a rational point of view and they will weigh up the pros and cons of buying versus not buying.If you introduce an emotional element to your message such as presenting a benefit or selling a solution to a problem or highlighting how people can get closer to achieving their dream, then you will appeal to the emotional decision making areas of the brain.This will maximize the chances of gaining a customer because it will create an emotional connection between your message and the reader.Therefore once you have successfully forged a positive emotional relationship with your readers, they will happily want to come back to your site to explore further or even become regular customers.Video is one of the most effective ways to communicate a message to people. Even short videos of just a few minutes can often deliver more value to your readers than multiple pages of writing can.Therefore in the cases where you would usually get people browsing through an article in 10 to 20 seconds before leaving, the added benefit of using a short video is that it increases the likely-hood that people will stay on your site for longer because they are watching your video.Video on the Internet is really just a modern extension of TV but the great thing is that you get to be the producer of the content.Quite often the right image coupled with the relevant content can induce an emotional response and it can help lay the foundations for the right mindset you want to create before somebody reads your sales pitch or post.Humans are quite easily visually stimulated and you can exploit this by using effective images and colors with your message.Your content and the value which it provides is the sticking point which helps to build a relationship with your readers. A relationship needs some measure of trust by both parties but when you successfully gain this trust from your readers or clients then you are also creating a longer term investment where current customers also become future customers.There are many ways you can provide value for people who will in turn be very happy to return the favor by becoming a customer. For instance you could offer free online courses or a series of tutorials which people can access after they sign up as free members.You could also set up your own forum or support system which provides help to people but also an opportunity for people to interact with each other..  Get Rs 10 instant recharge [Diwali offer]

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