Thursday, 15 November 2012

Blogger Launches Its Google+ Page

Blogger Google+ PageRecently Google+ team launched Google+ Pages which helps businesses, brands, blogs etc to connect with other people. Now Blogger team has launched their own page on Google+. All you have to do is to add the Blogger page in one of your circles. By doing this you will be able to see all the Blogger updates in your Google+ stream. This is a great way to interact with the Blogger team and also with other bloggers. Blogger Google+ Page
This page is very useful for Blogger users as you will be able to see the latest Blogger product news and announcements directly in your stream. You can also hangout with the Blogger team and talk with them regarding your blogger experience and what you expect from blogger. Also, the Blogger team will be sharing tips for bloggers. Another benefit that the blogger users will enjoy is that if you have something interesting to share with the Blogger team, then all you have to do is mention +Blogger in your Google+ post and the Blogger team will reshare it, if they find it useful.

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Rahul Jadhav

Rahul Jadhav is the author of Cool Tricks N Tips and he loves blogging and social networking. You can connect with Rahul on Twitter @rahuljrark , Facebook and also on Google+

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