Wednesday, 14 November 2012

BSF ASI (Steno) & HC (Min) Exam Pattern Papers Books

BSF ASI & HC Exam Pattern, Papers & BooksThis blog article of mine is a sequel to a previous blog post titled: BSF ASI HC Recruitment 2012-2013 Notification & Forms and is intended to provide you the prep materials for BSF recruitment exam for Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI-Steno) and Head Constables (HC-Ministerial). It at first discusses about the pattern of BSF ASI & HC Exam and than goes on to provide you the sample papers & prep books to prepare for the same.
In the very beginning, let me tell you that prep materials available on the net for  BSF ASI & HC written Exam is very scarce- almost non-existent and hence, you have to depend on prep materials available for similar recruitment exams conducted for bank clerks as well as for SSC exam for Stenographers etc.

BSF ASI HC Selection processSelection process for BSF ASI-Steno & HC-Ministerial:

Selection process for ASI-Steno & HC-Ministerial positions in BSF is conducted in two phases: Written exam in Phase-I & other tests in Phase-II. You can find the selection process in the flow-chart at right.

The skill test for BSF ASI & HC consists of following:
BSF ASI (Steno):
Shorthand 70 WPM in English or in Hindi for 10 minutes.
Transcription of English diction in 60 minutes or Hindi diction in 75 minutes on computer.
BSF ASI (Min):

Typing 30 WPM in English or 25 WPM in Hindi for 10 minutes.

For getting the prep materials for typing skills for BSF skill test, you can visit my previous article titled: Data Entry Operators Skill Test to test your typing speed.
Exam Pattern/Syllabus for BSF ASI & HC Exam: BSF ASI & HC Exam PatternThere are 100 marks in the written exam,which is of 1-hour 40 minute duration. It has five parts and you can find the section-wise mark-distribution of BSF ASI & HC Exam in the table at left. Minimum qualifying mark is 35 for General category & 33 for others. IBPS CWE Clerk Exam PatternThis exam pattern is very similar to Common written exam for bank clerks conducted by IBPS, which is as given in the table at right:  As you can see all the sections are identical and only the number of questions and hence the mark is double in IBPS CWE for Clerk. Hence you can use the prep materials (i.e. sample paper & book) for IBPS CWE for Clerk to prepare for the written exam of BSF ASI (Steno) & HC (Min).

No Syllabus for BSF ASI & HC Exam has been given along with the notification. But you can take help of the syllabus given for CISF ASI exam, which has almost almost the same format. You can click here to download this syllabus.

Sample papers for BSF ASI & HC Exam:
Although I searched on the net for sample/previous years exam papers of BSF ASI & HC Exam, I could not locate any reliable papers. But I feel following authentic previous years SSC Steno exam papers should help you understand what sort of questions are asked in recruitment exams:
Click here to find a SSC Steno exam paper (English language) in

As you can find all these sample/model papers of SSC Steno exam gives you only one section of the exam – the English language. Therefore, you should rely on books (Practice Papers) available in the market to prepare for this exam.
Books for preparation of BSF ASI & HC Exam:BSF ASI & HC Exam Prep BookI could find following books for BSF exam for ASI-Steno & HC-Ministerial.  These books are available in most of the good book shops. You can also order them online by clicking the book name through credit card/debit card/net banking as well as by Cash-On-Delivery (i.e. you pay when you get the book) from, which is giving a good discount of 20%.What's more - the postage is free if the order exceeds Rs. 300/=.

BSF ASI(Steno)/HC(Clerk) Exam Guide by RPH Editorial Board
Price: Rs. 135
BSF ASI(Steno)HC(Clerk) Exam Guide(HINDI) by RPH Editorial Board
Price: Rs. 135

Also following books for bank clerk exam should help you to prepare for the BSF ASI (Steno) & HC (Min) Exam:
IBPS: Common Written Examination (CWE) Guide For Clerk Grade By Sachchida Nand Jha Publisher: Kalinjar

Hope with above prep materials (i.e. syllabus, sample papers & books) for BSF ASI & HC Exam you can prepare and crack the exam easily. I would be on the look out for more exam resources, so keep visiting this blog!Labels: Border Security Force (BSF) Recruitment

View the original article here

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